Thursday, February 10, 2011

So Why Don't You Slide?

Below is the slideshow I created using  I have put in pictures of my blog, my personal wiki space, Team Techsavy's  business card and my why do you do what you do project.  Making the slideshow was very easy to do and allowed me to see the accomplishments so far this semester in one nice compact viewing.
Making a slideshow is a great way for students to show off their work. You may have your students create their own slideshow at the end of a big unit project.  It is a great way for students to be proud of their accomplishments and to share them with their classmates and parents.  Using a slideshow also will engage more visually inclined learners.  Best of all it quick, simple and free.

1 comment:

  1. Emily, I really enjoy your postings! Your blog is very easy to follow and provides so many nice visuals. I am working on mine. How can I add pictures wherever I want? I have only been aboe to add them in where my blogs go. Your layout is nice and easy to follow. Great job so far!
