Your digital footprints will follow you wherever you go, so make sure they are classy ones!
Below is a video I made using youtube search stories that tracks my digital footprints, to date. After creating my video and reflecting upon the assignment, I reached some interesting conclusions. It is important to know that everything that you do on the internet is available to anyone that is online. Therefore, DO NOT post, write or send anything that can compromise your job or reputation. Things always have a way of resurfacing on the internet, no matter how air tight you think your privacy settings may be. Tell your students they should never do something online that they would not want their mother to see.
On a positive note, this assignment allowed me to see the marks that I have left on the digital world and the connections that I have made that would not have been possible without the internet. On twitter, I follow some amazing educators from all around the world, where I get cutting edge information and sources about education.
So the moral of the story is: Your digital footprints will follow you wherever you go, so make sure they are classy ones!
You and your students can create your own digital footprint story using: youtube/searchstories
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