Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's Mind-Mapping Time!

Below is the mind-map I created using gliffy.  I choose to create my mind-map on the writing strategy called "POWERS."  POWERS represents 6 steps to writing: P- Prewriting, O-Organize, W-Write, E-Edit, R-Revise, and S-Share.  I believe this is a useful strategy for students to learn about and use, because it breaks down the writing process into easy, doable steps.  Students may get overwhelmed when they have to complete a writing assignment.  This strategy simplifies the writing process and provides a clear organization for what students need to do to write a good essay.

Creating a mind-mind for the strategy was quite fun.  When looking this map, I believe that a student can get a very good grasp as to what they have to do when writing.  They map lays out the frame work of what they should be doing and places it in a visually pleasing format.

When creating this mind-map, I learned that the way that you choice to present information to students can really make a world of difference.  Instead of writing the steps to the POWER strategy on the board, the mind-map allows students to see the steps in a different way. I would have my students create their own mind-map of this strategy and have them add their own personalized characteristics to each of the steps.

The mind-map is a tool makes learning a more personalized, interactive experience.
Gliffy was a very user friendly site to use. It had a library full of pictures and you also can upload your own.  I would definitely recommend using Gliffy.

So what are you waiting for? Go get your mind-mapping on! : )


  1. Emily, I REALLY enjoy reading your blog! Your mind mapping creation is great! It really maps out the writing process in a way that is easy to understand and is visually appealing. I like the funny lines that you chose to use and I think students will too. You picked a good topic because teachers are always looking for ways to teach the writing process to students.

  2. I agree with Katrina, Emily, your mind map looks great! It is important to teach students strategies and this mind map clearly outlines the process.
